• Department Assignments Analyst
    Agriculture, Weights, and Measures John Allan
    Assessor - County Clerk - Recorder - Elections Andrew Loke
    Board of Supervisors Michael Bolander*
    Josefina Rubio
    Controller’s Office Ian Earley
    Coroner's Office  Heather Ledesma*
    Helen Lei
    County Attorney Misty Hommerding
    County Fire Andrew Loke*
    County Health Josefina Rubio
    County Library Paniz Amirnasiri
    County Executive Office Michael Bolander*
    Andrew Loke
    County One-Time Expense Fund John Ridener*
    County Support of the Courts Misty Hommerding*
    Courthouse Construction Fund Vanessa Washington*
    Criminal Justice Construction Fund Vanessa Washington*
    Department of Child Support Services Paniz Amirnasiri
    Department of Emergency Management 

    John Allan

    Department of Housing Ian Earley
    Department of Public Works John Ridener
    District Attorney’s Office Helen Lei
    First 5 Commission Josefina Rubio
    Grand Jury Vanessa Washington*
    Human Resources Department Ian Earley
    Human Services Agency John Allan
    Information Services Department Vanessa Washington
    LAFCo Ian Earley*
    Non-Departmental Services Michael Bolander*
    Joy Limin
    Office of Sustainability Michael Bolander*
    Helen Lei
    Other Capital Construction Fund (PDU) John Ridener
    Parks Department John Allan
    Planning and Building Department Andrew Loke
    Private Defender Program Heather Ledesma**
    Helen Lei*
    Probation Department Vanessa Washington
    Project Development Unit John Ridener
    Project Development Unit Administration Andrew Loke
    Public Safety Communications/ Message Switch Vanessa Washington
    Real Property Services Misty Hommerding
    Retirement Office (SamCERA) Ian Earley
    Revenue Services Heather Ledesma*
    Sheriff's Office Helen Lei
    Treasurer – Tax Collector Paniz Amirnasiri

    *Fiscal Officer
    **Program Manager

    Non Department

    Other Assignments Analyst
    Administrative Memoranda Josefina Rubio
    Budget Calendar Vanessa Washington**
    Building Security Work Group Heather Ledesma
    Capital Projects Five-Year Plan John Ridener**
    John Allan
    Children's Budget Helen Lei**
    Josefina Rubio
    Community Based Organization Summit Josefina Rubio
    COOP Heather Ledesma
    DocuSign Administrator

    Andrew Loke**
    Helen Lei

    Fiscal Officers' Training Academy 

    Fiscal Training for Program Managers

    Andrew Loke**

    Helen Lei**

    Net County Cost Targets

    Misty Hommerding**

    John Allan

    PADS Administration

    Vanessa Washington**
    Josephina Rubio 

    Helen Lei


    Misty Hommerding

    John Allan 

    Position Reconciliation

    Josefina Rubio**

    Service Charges Andrew Loke**
    SHERPA  Administrator

    John Ridener**
    Paniz Amirnasiri
    Andrew Loke
    John Allan

    Youth Commission Helen Lei**
    John Allan

    *Fiscal Officer
    **Program Manager

    Measure K

    Assignments Analyst
     Contracts Molly Ortiz
    Measure K District Discretionary Accounting Cristal Pepin